Audio & Video Tracks | CHAPTER 24

Dastan Performance among the Uyghurs

  • Ref. 24.1
    Introduction to Abdurakhman Pasha
    Performed by Ubulhäsän Muhämmät. Filmed by Rahile Dawut, Aynur Kadir, Nijat Niyaz, and Aysajan Yusup, Khotan, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China.
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    Äy . . .
    Hey . . .
    Bu taghlar egiz taghlar,
    These mountains are tall,
    Gheribning yolini baghlar.
    They hinder the path of the desolate.
    Gherib ölsä kim yighlar?
    If the desolate die, who will cry for them?
    Gheribqa yitim yighlar.
    Orphans cry for the desolate.
    Gheribdur män bu alämdä,
    I am desolate in this world,
    Yitimdur män bu alämdä.
    I am an orphan in this world.
    Tayinliq makan yoqtur,
    There is no land for me,
    Khotänni islam achtilär,
    They opened Khotan to Islam,
    Migär Hajim Hebiybulla
    Hajim Hebiybulla
    Kütürdi qolini amingha,
    Raised his hands to pray,
    Du'a qildi Räsulilla.
    He prayed to the Prophet.
    Yengi shähär baza aldida,
    Boys in front of the city bazaar,
    Kibir qildi Ghojam Pashsha,
    Ghojam Pasha was proud of himself,
    Himmätlik Ghojam Pashsha,
    Gracious Ghojam Pasha,
    On altä mährum ong qolida,
    Sixteen companions to his right hand,
    On altä mährum chap qolida,
    Sixteen companions to his left hand,
    Häy Khotänlik yash balilar,
    Hey, young boys of Khotan,
    Baghri yumshaq Qaraqashliq,
    Kind people of Qaraqash,
    Shäri'ätni tutunglar,
    Hold to Islamic law,
    Namaz qaza qilmanglar,
    Do not delay prayer,
    Ondin birni öshrini berip yänglar,
    Give a tithe of one in ten,
    Qiriqtin birni zakatti berip yänglar.
    Give a zakat of one in forty.
    Kishigä di lazar qilmanglar däp
    Do not hurt the hearts of others, said
    Himmätlik Ghojam Pashsha.
    Gracious Ghojam Pasha.
    Däwza aldida tursa,
    As he stood in front of the gate,
    Zang'guydiki Mimanbay,
    Mimanbay of Zangguy,
    Miminkhaning bir oghli,
    One of Mimankhan's sons,
    Khät tashlapqina qachti.
    Ran away to toss off a letter.
    Xetini körüp baqsa,
    When he saw the letter,
    Ey Abdurakhman Pasha,
    "Hey, Abdurakhman Pasha,
    Märd-märdanä bolar bolsang,
    If you are brave,
    Urush mäydanigha chiqqin sän,
    You will go out to the battlefield,
    Urush mäydanigha chiqalmisang,
    If you do not go out to the battlefield,
    Bu shähärni bikarlighin.
    Please vacate this city."
    Degän khätni bir körüp,
    He took a look at this letter,
    Himmätlik Ghojam,
    Gracious Ghojam,
    Anisining aldigha käldi:
    He came in front of his mother:
    "Way ana jenim ana,
    "Oh mother, dear mother,
    Kechidin körgän chüshümdä,
    In the dream I saw last night,
    Yättä itning arisida qelip,
    I was among seven dogs,
    Bu chüshni körüp qaptim ana.
    I saw this dream, mother.
    Ätigän tang atqanda,
    When dawn broke in the morning,
    Däwza aldida tursam,
    As I stood in front of the gate,
    Bir älchi haramzadä,
    A bastard messenger,
    Khät tashlapqina qachti.
    He ran away, having dropped off the letter.
    Khetini körüp baqsam:
    When I looked at the letter:
    'Ey Abdurakhman Pasha,
    'Hey, Abdurakhman Pasha,
    Oghul bala ärkäk bolar bolsang,
    If you want to be a real boy, a real man,
    Urush mäydanimizgha kälgin,
    Come to the battlefield,
    Urush mäydanigha kelälmisäng,
    If you do not come to the battlefield,
    Bu shähärni bikarlighin.'
    Vacate the city.'
    Degän khätkän uz ana.
    So says the letter, dear mother,
    Bu jäng'gä barghili ana,
    To go to the war, mother,
    Äsli dilim tartmaydu.
    I have no will to go.
    Barmay desäm bolmaydu ana,
    But I must go, mother,
    Qandaq qilimän," degändä.
    What should I do?" he said.


    Translation by Elise Anderson and Mutallip Iqbal

  • Ref. 24.2
    Introduction to Yüsüp-Ähmäd
    Performed by Turdimämät Nasir. Filmed by Rahile Dawut and Mutallip Iqbal, Khotan, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China.
    View translation
    Shahzadä Qämbär didiki: I padishahi aläm, chüshkä täbir bärgüchi kishi pästä turup, chüshning täbirini anglighuchi kishi täkht üstidä bulurmu, didi. Padishah täkht bäkhlirini bikar qilip, Shahzadä Qämbärni täkht üstigä achiqip qoyup. Ämdi körgän chüshini birinbirin Shahzadä Qämbärgä sözligänliri, padishah nimä däydur qeni:

    Kichä körgän chüshümdin,
    Ol chüshümdin qorqimän. (2x)
    Kichä körgän chüshümdä,
    Qan kichip yatalmidim. (2x)
    Shährimdin ayrilmaqni,
    Sän manga rawa äylimä. (2x)
    Ol beshimdin way mining,
    Ol seriq sämbär gül, (2x)
    Way zimingä chechildi.
    Aghzimdin bir jüp qush,
    Pärwaz qilip uchti,
    Ikki yenimdin ikki yolwas,
    Way mini talap aldi. (2x)
    Kichä körgän chüshümdin,
    Ol chüshümdin qorqimän. (2x)

    Ämdi padishah körgän chüshini birinbirin Shahzadä Qämbärgä sözlidi. Ämdi Shahzadä Qämbär padishahning körgän chüshini anglap, bu padishahning chüshigä nimä däp täbir biridu qeni? Ämdi Shahzadä Qämbärdin söz ishtmäk kiräk.

    Ol bashingdin sachilghan
    Ol seriq sämbär gül,
    Qizil qaningdur, didi. (all three lines 2x)
    Aghzingizdin uchqan qush
    Rohi janingdur, didi.
    Talap alghan ikki yolwas,
    Yüsüp-Ähmädtur, didi. (2x)

    Atlirining yurghisi
    Quyunchä bardur.
    Qaysi shähärgä at salsa
    Shuni aladur.
    Ol bäglärning palwanliqi
    Rostämchä bardur.
    Yüsüp alidu shähringni,
    Körgin tamasha. (two lines 2x)
    Ol beshingdin sachlighan,
    Seriq sämbär gül,
    Ol seriq sämbär gül,
    Qizil qaningdur.
    Aghzingizdin uchqan qush,
    Rohi janingdur.
    Talap alghan ikki yolwas,
    Yüsüp alidu shähiringni,
    Körgin tamasha.
    Yüsüp bilän u Ähmäd,
    Häm musulmandur. (two lines 2x)
    Da'im qilghan ishliri,
    Yüsüp alidu shähiringni,
    Körgin tamasha. (two lines 2x)
    Yüsüp bilän Ähmäd Bäg,
    Ikki shir-batur. (two lines 2x)
    Ol bäglärning palwanliqi,
    Rostämchä bardur. Yüsüp alidu shähiringni,
    Körgin tamasha.
    Bäglär kilidu aqiwät,
    Shirina sözläp. (two lines 2x)

    Äl qissä, Shahzadä Qämbär padishahning chüshigä shundaq täbir bärdi. Padishah bu Shahzadä Qämbärning gipini anglap, Shahzadä Qämbärni därhal zindan bashliqi Hämdishäp digän kapirni chaqiritip turup, zindan bashliqi Hämdishäp digän kapirning quligha tapshurup bärdi.

    Shahzadä Qämbärni säksän yättä baldaqliq shota bilän tigigä yetip chüshidighan, bundaq eghir gunahqa yitip hechqandaq kishini salmighan zindangha tashliwätkin, buninggha bir loqma ta'am bärmigin, bir qäträ su bärmigin. Yaghachtäk qurup ölüp kätsunlär, däp ämir qildi.

    Shahzadä Qämbärni shu küni säksän yättä baldaq shota bilän tigigä yitip chüshidighan zindangha bänid qilip tashliwätti. Ämdi, Padishah täräp-täräpkä namä äwätip, täräp-täräpkä xäwär äwätip, 360 shähärning khalayiqlirini yighdurup: Manga qandaqlikin kishi Yüsüp-Ähmäd bäglärni tutup äkilip bärsä, shundaq kishigä padishahliq täkhtimni birimän. Undaq kishini altun-kümüsh, dunya-oqattin bihajät qilimän. Shundaq kishigä ta ömrüm ötkünchä wäzir bulup ishläymän, didi.

    The king told of his dream in great detail. Shahzadä Qämbär said, "Hey, King of the world, should the person interpreting the dream be so low, while the person listening sits upon the throne?" Getting down, the king put Shahzadä Qämbär on the throne. Now listen to what the king said as he described the details of his dream:

    The dream I had one night,
    I am afraid of this dream. (2x)
    In the dream I had one night,
    I was wading through blood. (2x)
    That I will be separated from my city
    Do not tell me. (2x)
    From my head,
    A yellow sämbär flower, (2x)
    Scattered on the ground.
    From my mouth, a pair of birds,
    Flew out.
    From both sides of me, two tigers,
    Oh, they bit me. (2x)
    The dream I had one night,
    I am afraid of this dream. (2x)

    The king described his dream to Shahzadä Qämbär in detail. Having heard the king's dream, what interpretation did he give? We should listen to Shahzadä Qämbär:

    "Scattered from your head,
    The yellow sämbär flower,
    Is your red blood," he said. (all three lines 2x)
    "The bird that flew out of your mouth,
    Is your spirit," he said.
    "The two tigers that bit you,
    Are Yüsüp and Ähmäd," he said. (2x)

    "The speed of Yüsüp and Ähmäd's horses
    Is like a tornado.
    Whatever city they enter on horseback,
    They will take that city.
    The bravery of Yüsüp and Ähmäd
    Is like Rustam's.
    Yüsüp will take your city,
    Sit back and watch. (two lines 2x)
    Scattered from your head,
    The yellow sämbär flower,
    That yellow sämbär flower,
    Is your red blood.
    The bird that flew out of your mouth,
    Is your spirit.
    The two tigers that bit you,
    Are Yüsüp and Ähmäd.
    Yüsüp will take your city,
    Sit back and watch.
    Both Yüsüp and Ähmäd,
    Are Muslim. (two lines 2x)
    Their everyday work,
    Is religious duty.
    Yüsüp will take your city,
    Sit back and watch. (two lines 2x)
    Both Yüsüp and Ähmäd
    They are two brave lions. (two lines 2x)
    The bravery of these bags,
    Is like Rustam's.
    Yüsüp will take your city,
    Sit back and watch.
    The bags will come in the end,
    Speaking sweetly."

    Shahzadä Qämbär interpreted the king's dream thus. Hearing Shahzadä Qämbär's words, the king immediately ordered Hämdishäp, the infidel dungeon-keeper, to imprison Shahzadä Qämbär.

    "Throw him into the dungeon at the depth of an eighty-seven-runged ladder so that no one may reach him. No one has committed such a grave sin as he has. Give him not a single morsel of food, give him not a drop of water. May he die as dry as wood," he said, giving orders.

    That day, they threw Shahzadä Qämbär in the dungeon at the depth of an eight-seven-runged ladder. The king sent out decrees everywhere, gathering the people of 360 cities. "I will give my throne to whomever captures and brings me Yüsüp and Ähmäd. I will see to it that he does not want for gold and silver, for earthly things. I will work as a vizier to him for the rest of my life," he said.


    Translation by Elise Anderson and Mutallip Iqbal

  • Ref. 24.3
    Excerpt from the dastan Patimämning wapatnamisi (The death of Fatima)
    Performed by Mämättokhti Yasin. Filmed by Aynur Kadir, Khotan, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China.
  • Ref. 24.4
    Excerpt from the dastan Häwzikhan
    Performed by Mämättokhti Tokhti Daka. Filmed by Mutallip Iqbal, Kashgar, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China.
  • Ref. 24.5
    Excerpt from the dastan Yachibäg
    Performed by Ibrahim Yaqup (vocals, ghijäk) and Säydul Nursha (rawab). Recorded by Rahile Dawut, Qomul, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China.
  • Ref. 24.6
    Excerpt from the dastan Siyit Nochi
    Performed by Mämättokhti Yasin.
    Filmed by Rahile Dawut and Aynur Kadir, Khotan, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China. Subtitles translated by Joshua L. Freeman and Zulpiye Zumretshah.




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