Aytaiyn sözdün chyndygyn
Let me tell the truth,
Azaptuu boldu bul kylym.
It [the twenty-first century] was a sad century for us.
Manastan kiyin kyrgyzym
After Manas, my Kyrgyz,
Maktanych bolchu Chyngyzyng.
Your Chingiz was your pride.
Aytmatov Chyngyz jarkygan
We used to say that Chingiz
Ak tangybyz dechü elek.
Was our white dawn.
Aytylyp bütpös düynödö
We used to say he was a world saga
Dastanybyz dechü elek.
That had no ending.
Aalamdyk adabiyattyn
We used to say that
Arstanybyz dechü elek.
He was the lion of world literature.
Aalamda sizdey az ele
The world had few people like you.
Ala-Too bolup ugulchu
Just the name of our father would sound
Atabyzdyn aty ele.
Like our Ala-Too Mountains.
Alysky bashka ölködö
In faraway foreign countries,
Al özünchö masele.
He was a different story.
Tarykhty bilbey kee bir el, bizdi
Those peoples who didn't know our history
Taanybay kalsa ech ele.
And forgot who we were,
Kyrgyzdyn debey kyrgyzdy
Used to know us as the Kyrgyz,
Chyngyzdyn eli dechü ele.
As the people of Chingiz.
Atabyzdy köralbay,
Unable to see our father and
Atabyz bar dey albay,
Unable to say that he is alive,
Engirep turbuz kaygydan
Unable to come to our senses,
Esibizge kelalbay.
We feel lost in deep grief.
Ak jamgyr bozdop tökköndöy-oy,
As if the rain were pouring tears,
Ak boroon ulup ötköndöy,
As if a blizzard blew by sounding like a howling wolf.
Ala-Toonun bashynan,
It is as if the white glacier on the Ala-Too Mountains
Ak möngü erip köchköndöy.
Has melted and slid down.
Atasy ketti uruktun,
The father of the nation has left
Aylasyz düynö kömgöndöy.
And we have no choice but to bury him.
Aalamyng kaldy tomsorup
Your world is left behind alone
Asmandan Aydy bölgöndöy.
As if the moon became separated from the sky.
Elibiz eey kyrgyz kaygyda
Our Kyrgyz people are grieving
Er Manas eki ölgöndöy.
As if their hero, a second Manas, had died.
Ak dayra bolup aktyngyz,
You were like a white river that flowed fully,
Aalamdy tirep böksörböy.
And lifted the world up.
Ordunda ushul shum düynö
This devious world never stood
Oo kachan turgan özgörböy.
In one place without changing.
Jalgandyn ushul myizamy
It is the law of the false world
Jazmyshka aalam köngöndöy.
That makes the entire world submit to [God's] order.
Kökürök tütöp turabyz
We stand now with our hearts burning
Köktön bir Kündü bölgöndöy.
As if the sun became separated from the sky.
Kaygydan kyrgyz elibiz
The Kyrgyz people grieve so much
Kan Bakay kayra ölgöndöy.
As if Khan Bakay1 has died again.
Ömürdün jolu burulush,
Life has difficult turns,
Özüngüz joktop turubuz.
We mourn your death.
Köz ötkönchö jaryktan,
Until we pass away from this world,
Kör tirliktin kulubuz.
We live as slaves of our daily suffering.
Aiyrmangyz atake--siz
But you were different, dear father,
Andaydan biyik turdunguz.
You stood above them.
Akyldyn alip jarygyn
You took the light of wisdom
Adamzatyna sundunguz.
And gave it to mankind.
Ala-Toonun koynunan,
You flowed like a spring gushing
Atylyp chygyp bulaktay,
From the heart of the Ala-Too Mountains
Alp dengizderge kuydunguz.
And poured into giant seas.
Atlanttyn ar jagyn kayra
You turned the world's attention beyond the Atlantic Ocean
Aziyaga burdunguz.
To Asia.
Altyndan ordo kurbastan,
Instead of building a palace from gold,
Akyldan ordo kurdunguz.
You built a palace from wisdom.
Biz jürbüz--
While we went around being proud
Ayalym, bala,tuugan dep,
That our wife gave birth to a baby boy,
Aalamga kyzmat kyldyngiz, oooy . . .
Served the entire world . . .
Atagy kylym karytkan
You were a noble, wise man,
Asyl jan eleng daanyshman.
With century-old fame.
Özgö elder bizden köp süyüp sizdi
Other nations loved you more than us
Özümdük kylyp alyshkan.
By making you their own.
Kün batyshtyn ar jagy
People who live where the sun sets
Gülsary atka jem berip
Gave food to the Gülsary horse2
Künügö taptap bagyshkan.
And trained him well every day.
Jamilany engseship
They all longed for Jamila3
Jabyla süyüp kalyshkan.
And fell in love with her.
Akbara menen Tashchaynar
Akbara and Tashchaynar4
Alardy da bilet alystan.
Are also known in faraway lands.
Kayra emi sizdey chygaby
Will there be a man like you again
Kalkyn turgay jerinin
Who can make not only his people known
Karyshkyryn jurtka taanytkan.
But the wolves of his land?!5
Jyldyz öchpös bolsochu,
I wish the stars would never fade away!
Chyngyz ölbös bolsochu.
I wish that Chingiz would be immortal.
Kyraanynyn ölgönün
I wish that the Kyrgyz
Kyrgyz körbös bolsochu.
Would never see their hero die.
Aalamdan echen el joktop,
Many people in the world mourn your death,
Asman da joktop Jer joktop.
Even the sky and the earth mourn your death.
Bardyk aalam ölkönün
All the leaders of the world
Bashchylary teng joktop,
Equally mourn your death.
Elim menen koshulup
Together with my people,
Erlmirbek uulung men joktop.
I, Elmirbek, your son, mourn your death.
Aytmatov jashayt ömürdö,
Aytmatov will live on,
Ak jyldyz bolup tagyldyng
For he became an eternal shining star
Asmandyn kökürögündö.
Pinned onto the chest of the sky.
1. Bakay: one of the main characters in the epic Manas - an elderly wise man who served as Manas's adviser.
2. Gülsary: the name of a horse in Aitmatov's short novel Farewell, Gülsary!, written in 1966. The novel narrates the life journey of an old, golden chestnut horse in parallel to the life journey of an old man, Tanabay, who is a hard-working kolkhozchu, a collective farm worker who strongly believes in communist ideology. In 2008, Kazakhstan's state film company produced a new film based on Farewell, Gülsary! using the same title.
3. Jamila: the main heroine in Aitmatov's short novel Jamila, written in 1958. After reading the story, the French writer Louis Aragon called it "the world's most beautiful love story." The novel describes the difficult World War II years in a Kyrgyz village and the romance between a young married woman, Jamila, and a young man, Daniar, a soldier who returns wounded from the war and ends up working in the collective farm.
4. Akbara and Tashchaynar: a wolf couple (Akbara is a she-wolf and Tashchaynar a he-wolf) in Aitmatov's short novel Place of the Skull (Kyyamat in Kyrgyz, Plakha in Russian), written in 1986. The novel tells the story of a wolf pack that comes into contact with humans.
5. The reference is to the wolf couple in Place of the Skull.