Qulaq salyng jan doslarym,
Listen here, my friends,
Moskvany körip keldim.
I saw Moscow.
Esitsengiz yar-doslarym,
Harken, my dear friends,
Körip miyrim qanyp keldim.
I saw and enjoyed it with my soul.
Köshe aralap jürgenimdi,
Having walked around the streets,
Közim menen körgenimdi,
What I saw with my eyes,
Öz kewlime bilgenimdi,
What I learned with my heart,
Men sizlerge alyp keldim.
I bring to you.
Barghansha temir jol eken,
While you are on your way, there is a railroad ahead,
Ölmesek ömir mol eken.
While you are alive, there is a long life ahead.
Moskva kätta, zor eken,
That Moscow is powerful and great
Zeinim tanyp bilip keldim.
I knew in my soul.
Araladym köshelerin,
I walked around the streets,
Közim kördi neshshelerin,
My eyes saw so many
Biyik-biyik tekshelerding,
Sky-high flights of stairs,
Men basyna shyghyp keldim.
I went up to their top.
Ortasynan kün shyghyp tur,
From the center the sun is rising,
Kün qasynan nur shyghyp tur,
From around the sun light is shining,
Baghy-bostan gül shyghyp tur,
In the garden flowers are blooming,
Bärin ÿ irdie körip keldim.
I saw it all at once.
Ortasynda jatyr kösem,
In the center there lies the leader,1
Lenin tiri, öldi desem,
Lenin is alive, although considered dead,
Jatyr eken baryp körsem,
He lies there, I saw this
"Ölgen joq," dep külip keldim.
And said smiling, "He has not died."
Million adam barady eken,
Millions of people go there
Künde baryp köredi eken.
And see it every day.
Öshiret jetpei turady eken,
Waiting in line is never-ending,
Köp asyghyp men de ildim.
Hastening, I made it too.
Jatyr eken bir saraida,
He lies in a palace,
Märwärt penen salghan jaida,
In a marble-built dwelling,
"Ölgen joq," dedim qalaida,
So I said, "He has not died,"
Köp shadlanyp külip keldim.
Rejoicing and smiling.
Özi ölse de joly tiri,
Even if he has died, his path is alive,
Tap Leninning durys ekeni.
Showing Lenin's right way.
SSSRdyng jaryq nury,
The bright light of the USSR,
Moskvany körip keldim.
Moscow, I saw.
Bälentten salghan qalasy,
The city built high,
Ülken-kishi, yash balasy,
Old and young, even a child,
Taza bakhyt, zang talasy,
Are assured sheer happiness by law,
Sony taqyiyq bilip keldim.
I witnessed this.
Kördim neshshe jaidy biyik,
I saw so many high houses,
Birining üstine birin üyip,
Piled upon each other,
Turma dep aspangha tiyip,
Reaching the sky,
Soghan shad bop külip keldim.
I rejoiced at this and smiled.
Kördim jailar neshshe-neshshe,
I saw countless buildings,
Ishine kirseng tekshe-tekshe.
When you go in, there are many flights of stairs.
Oinalyp tur künde pesse (pyesa),
Every day plays are acted,
Tamashasyn körip keldim.
I saw the shows.
Bir waqlary tömen kettik,
Once we went down below,
Bir eki-üsh teksheden öttik,
Took two or three staircases,
Bir azyraq poezd küttik,
Waited a while for a train,
Jer astynda minip keldim.
Underground I went by train.2
Sarras eken temir joly,
The rail track is smooth,
Metroda adam toly,
The metro is full of people,
Otyz tiyin bälent (bilet) puly,
The cost of the ticket, thirty tiyin,
Här mingende berip keldim.
For every ride I paid.
Jerding astyn oighan eken,
The earth is deeply dug
Qola menen quighan eken,
And cast with bronze,
Shamdy jagyp qoighan eken,
Chandeliers are lit and hung,
Köp aralap körip keldim.
Having traveled much, I saw this.
Jerding asty öjire-öjire,
There are many rooms under the earth,
Bärin kördim jüre-jüre,
I saw them all as I walked,
Aita bersem köp shejire,
If I start talking, there are many stories,
Söz tabalmai qoiyp keldim.
Not finding words, I stop.
Syrt porymy qyzyl-jasyl,
The city façade is red and green,3
La'li-gäwhar, bäri hasyl,
Pearl and emerald, everything is precious,
Bäri de sondai äl-hasyl,
All is valuable and precious,
Körgenimdi aityp keldim.
I tell what I saw.
Algha qarap jürmeklikti,
That we should look ahead and progress,
Köp üirensek örneklikti,
That we should learn much from the example,
Shadly turmys keleshekti,
For a happy life in the future,
Khalyqqa paida bilip keldim.
For the people's sake I learned.
"Moskvadan örnek alsaq,
"What if we take an example from Moscow,
Biz de sondai jailar salsaq,
Build such houses as well,
Khalqymyzdy shadly qylsaq,"
And make our people happy,"
dep könglime alyp keldim.
I came to ponder.
Moskva ülken küsh eken,
Moscow is a great power,
Ziyat shadly turmys eken,
Life there is joyful,
Jer jüzining beyishi eken,
It is paradise on earth,
Men ishine kirip keldim.
I entered and came back.
1. Reference to Lenin's Mausoleum in Red Square, Moscow.
2. The Moscow Metro had opened in 1935.
3. That is, bright, multicolored.