Audio & Video Tracks | CHAPTER 7

The Art of the Turkmen Bagshy

  • Ref. 7.1
    "Näler görüner" (What will you not see)
    A folk song on a poem by Magtymguly, performed by Sahy Jepbarow (vocal, dutar), accompanied by Ýagmur Nurgeldiýew (dutar) and Ata Ablyýew (gyjak).
    Recording from the archives of Turkmen National Conservatory; year of recording unknown.
  • Ref. 7.2
    "Tä men gelinçäm" (Until I return)
    Performed by Muhammetgeldi Geldinejad, dutar and voice.
    Filmed by George Murer, Istanbul.
  • Ref. 7.3
    "Jan jan" (My soul, my soul)
    Performed by Muhammetgeldi Geldinejad, dutar and voice. Filmed by George Murer, Istanbul.
  • Ref. 7.4
    "Akmeňli" (female name)
    A folk song set to a poem by Mämmetweli Kemine (1770-1840), performed by Ashyrmämmet Dawudow (vocal, dutar), accompanied by Myratdurdy Hajyýev (dutar) and S. Garajayýew (gyjak). Gazanjyk village, Balkan.
    View translation
    Ataşa – semender, ysşa – perwana,
    Salamander to the flame, moth to the light,
    Ýanar men, köýer men günde, Akmeňli, boý Meňli.
    I shall burn up and perish in daylight, Akmeňli, beautiful Meňli.
    Her bir sözüň bermen ýüz-müň dessana,
    I would not exchange one word of yours for a hundred thousand dessans.
    Ýanar men, köýer men Akmeňli, boý Meňli.
    I shall burn up and perish, Akmeňli, beautiful Meňli.
    Sen deýin görmedim ulusda-ilde,
    I have not seen anybody like you on the face of the earth,
    Suraýy gerdende, bykynda, bilde,
    You have grace in your shoulders, demeanor, posture,
    Her ýaňagyň her reňde, her hilde,
    Your cheeks are crimson, bright,
    Husnuň ile şöhle salar, Akmeňli, boý Meňli.
    Your loveliness irradiates everything, Akmeňli, beautiful Meňli.
    Saýrasa bilbiller, açylsa güller,
    Nightingales will sing, flowers will open,
    Aý geçer, gün geçer, öwrülmez ýyllar,
    Days, months, years will pass,
    Huraman boýnuňa öwrülse gollar,
    If I could only touch your tender neck,
    Zerre janda takat galmaz, Akmeňli, boý Meňli.
    There is no sliver of patience left in my soul, Akmeňli, beautiful Meňli.
    Kemine diýir, her hil reňkde öwser sen,
    Kemine says, you are gleaming with all hues,
    Kemansyz atar sen, tygsyz keser sen,
    You shoot without a bow, you stab without a dagger,
    Ýalançy bäş gündür, messan basar sen,
    Life is fleet as five days, serenity will overwhelm you,
    Altynjy gün munda goýmazlar seni, Akmeňli.
    On the sixth day no one will be left here, Akmeňli.
  • Ref. 7.5
    "Ýusup soltanym" (My sultan Yusup)
    A song (tirme) from the heroic dessan Ýusup-Ahmet, by Magrupy. Performed by Musaguly Ýazmyradow (vocal, dutar), accompanied by Hally Begmämmedow (gyjak). Halach village, Lebap.
  • Ref. 7.6
    "Hatyja" (female name)
    A folk song (tirme) on a poem by Seýdi, performed by Hojamyrat Oraýew (vocal, dutar), accompanied by Baky Rejepow (gyjak). Tagta town, Dashoguz.
  • Ref. 7.7
    "Serwi agajy" (On the cypress)
    From the epic Gülpam, performed by Gurt Ýakupow (vocal, dutar) accompanied by Ýazgeldy Kuwwadow and Amannazar Ataýew (dutars). Ashgabat, around 1984. Video recording from the sound archive of the Center for Folk Music Studies of the Turkmen National Conservatory.
  • Ref. 7.8
    "Serwi agajy" (On the cypress)
    From the epic Gülpam, followed by a section of narrative prose text, performed by Chary Ýakup. Filmed by George Murer, Mary, Turkmenistan.
  • Ref. 7.9
    Chary Ýakup
    Chary Ýakup performs on the dutar at a toi. Filmed by George Murer, Mary, Turkmenistan.




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